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Understanding Alcohol Abuse

29 Nov 2021

There are a lot of misconceptions about alcoholics, stereotypes that we hold about them. Many people are entirely caught off guard when they discover that it is possible for an alcoholic to present a well put together picture to the outside world, one that involves raising families and holding down jobs, and appearing quite successful. Despite popular conceptions, the distinctions do exist. If you or a partner or a loved one struggles with substance abuse, please contact us immediately at

Is there a Difference between Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse?

What is alcohol abuse as opposed to alcoholism? Alcohol abuse occurs when people continue to drink even after having had problems like run-ins with the law, difficulties in personal relationships, trouble at work or school, and other consequences. There is the distinction that alcohol abusers have patterns of drinking that “result in significant and recurrent adverse consequences.”

On the other hand, people with alcohol dependence most often referred to as alcoholism can no longer control their drinking. Most often, they suffer from withdrawal symptoms when they attempt to stop drinking.

People who suffer from alcoholism often try to go "cold turkey" and detox on their own. Although they attempt this for sincere reasons, very commonly they endure incredibly difficult withdrawal symptoms that they can't handle. As a result, they sometimes come back to using alcohol.

What is Alcohol Abuse?

As stated above, we define abuse as a person’s unwillingness to quit drinking despite dire and life-affecting consequences. With regard to alcohol abuse, it helps to keep these facts in mind:

  • A person does not have to drink every day to abuse alcohol.
  • We've noticed many people who drink infrequently will go on to be binge drinkers and consume anywhere from 2-10 drinks in just a few hours and then often times ignore the adverse effects that alcohol consumption can have on one's body. Oftentimes, those adhering to this behavior claim they just want to "suffer the consequences" of their actions - but there aren't any such things as "no-consequence hangovers".
  • Males that consume 15 or more drinks per week would be considered abusers of alcohol.
  • Females that drink eight or more drinks per week would be considered abusers of alcohol.

What are the physical and Emotional Impacts?

Alcohol Abuse and Alcohol Dependence: Is there a difference? According to the DSM-V, both conditions fall into the category of alcohol use disorders. The two conditions are listed as occurring on a spectrum ranging from mild, neither currently nor in a previous life, to severe cases that require immediate attention. Both standards met for inclusion on the spectrum mean that an individual exhibits signs of tolerance and withdrawal similar to levels present in an individual diagnosed with a milder form of alcohol dependence. The potential for damage, in either case, is significant, so it's crucial for people struggling with abuse or dependence issues to not wait until one or more of these symptoms have taken a turn for the worse.

Drinking alcohol can not only affect your physical health, but it can also have a severe impact on your mental health. Not only are you putting yourself at risk for experiencing memory loss, depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges, but you’re also risking that your drinking could lead to negative consequences in your career.

Do I need Alcohol Rehab?

You might think that since people abusing alcohol aren’t dependent, treatment is unnecessary. Treatment and therapy are necessary for recovery from alcohol abuse. In all likelihood, the root cause of alcohol abuse is what needs to be addressed to find a healthier way of living. What is alcohol abuse treatment? A variety of therapies and treatment options are available when you enter a reputable luxury rehab. The following are some things that could help you on the road to recovery such as EMDR Therapy Program focused on easing the distress of traumatic memories, Yoga is physical therapy used to help manage stress, 12-step recovery program, equine therapy allows clients to engage with and care for horses and has shown to improve self-esteem and elevate moods, individual therapy program, group therapy program and family therapy program.

Detox for Alcohol can Help?

Have you been considering alcohol and drug treatment programs? If so, you need to look at for help. Our platform is specifically designed to help people find the programs that best suit their needs and assist them throughout the whole recovery process with whatever we can offer these individuals who are making such a brave decision in order to change their lives for the better. To make sure people get the help they need once they complete their program, we also help on promoting ongoing care and support, which is one of the most important steps when it comes to recuperating from alcoholism or addiction.

Contact, if you are ready to get control of your life. We can help you find the path to recovery with premier luxury alcohol rehabs.

Location: Delhi | Mumbai | Gurgaon | Pune | Bangalore | Ahmedabad | Punjab

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